Napa, CA
Gene Cooper is a developer with a passion for creating scientific tools, exhibits, and educational programs that provide new ways of exploring the world both literally and figuratively. Photography is a common thread in his life and work, which has come a long way since childhood years experimenting with unique perspectives, angles, filters, and time-lapse exposures. In his day job he founded GIGAmacro which builds robotic camera devices capable of capturing gigapixel photographs with microscopic detail and developing new visualization tools for comparison of complex imagery for research, science, and education.
Public Images
Silicon Wafer Test Image with Axial Lighting
Oil Painting
ephemerelldae drunella
50 Peso Banknote (front)
agurite thin section 10x full wave
Rhyolite 5X Thin Section Brightfield
US 5 Dollar Bill
septurian nodule
Semychan Meteorite (large) Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
US 10 Dollar Bill
Hamilton Watch Company 992B Railroad Watch (High Magnification)
Snail Eating Beetle Face
Pelidnota Velutpies
Corral Fossil
Worm Head Example 723901
Ant Imaging Test Normal
Unit Box Test 3
Tigers Eye Geology Sample
Early Apple II Motherboard 1979
Arduino Microchip Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
Cicadas (Female, Male, Nymph)
Rod Griffin Opal Cross Polarized
Poison Oak (small leaves)
Hip Joint Closeup Sintered Metal
Antique Revolver
Graphite Sample
Monarch (Dorsal View)
Hip Joint
1702 Intel EPROM (High Magnification)
Core Sample
Impasto Painting - Polarized Flash
Histology Example 498-8-1-91-8 Hole 14 (5x)
Hamilton Watch Company 992B Railroad Watch
Winogradsky Bacteria Panel
Geology Example 3
Butterfly Collection
Blue Morpho Butterfly (Ventral View)
AB08-55B Thin Section
Red Tipped Butterfly
Exposed Integrated Circuit
Jasper (High Resolution)
Skin Imaging Timelapse Example 1
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
Rainbow Tiger Beetle (Six Views)
Cicada Female (Ventral)
Cicada Shell (Ventral)
Geology Example 1
Half Dime Obverse 5X
Dutch Coin (Front)
White-spotted African Fruit Chafer
Andesite 5X Thin Section Brightfield
Rhyolite 10x Cross Polarized
Rod Griffin Opal Cross Polarized Diffused
Core Sample 1
Seymchan Meteorite
Quercus Petrae
Betula Pendula
Tree Ring Thin Section Example
Wax Seal
Rod Griffin Opal
Histology Example 498-8-1-91-8 Hole 14
Geology Thin Slide
Thin Geological Rock: Oil Bearing
Pseudotsuga Menziesii
Sweet Gum Leaf
Test Hand Imaging Cross Polarized
Graphite Material Sample Test Image
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 1
Entomology Conference
Gods Gift
Full Drawer Imaging Example
Acrididae (Orthoptera)
Pipevine Swallowtail
Sanding Disk
Tree Ring Specimen
Seymchan Meteorite
Rhyolite 5X Thin Section Waveplate
Eucalyptus Leaves
Fagus Sylvatica Poncée
Rose Hips
Canon T2i DSLR Teardown Total Parts Layout
Intricate Escapement from Watch
Platinum Ore
Passion Butterfly (Relighting Test with Depthmap)
Blue Fish Teeth Example 3
Arduino Due
Chicken Embryo (cropped)
Mystery Coin for December Competition
Toxicodendron (Poison Oak)
Wet Specimen Macroinvertebrate Test
polished shell acetate peel 2
Oil Shale (Lamosite)
Golden Seal
Moss Sample (Freshly harvested)
Microscope Slide 1021052
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 4
Pitcher Plant (top of plant)
polished shell cross section
Girl Scout Cookie
High Strength Rope
Feldspar Geologic Sample 2
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 8
Curculionidae (Coleoptera)
Fossil Coprolite
Halictidae (Hymenoptera)
Basalt 10x Brightfield
ASE Silver Proof Coin
Azurite from Morocco
Test Face Imaging Cross Polarized
Thin Geological Rock: Oil Bearing
Penny Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
Peacock Feather Eye
Cherry Gall Azure (ventral), 1.67 Gigapixel Macro Photograph
Naucoridae (Hemiptera)
Mammoth Tooth Fossil
Microscope Slide 43684
Microfossil Slide
Microscope Slide Example
Linda's emperor (dorsal), 1.6 Gigapixel Macro Photograph
Terabite: World's First Terapixel Macro Photograph
Apollo One Kilobit Ferrite Core Memory Module
Termitat: Termite Exhibit
Sarcoma of the Thigh
Rose Hips Berries
Buffalo Reverse Proof Coin
Microscope Slide Worm Example 723901
Crystalline Minerals in Leaf Cells
Modern Stone Test 1
Ant Imaging Test Full Spectrum
Cooler Manifold Sintered Metal
kleptageniidae speorus 2
One Dollar Bill (Circulated)
Curculionidae (Coleoptera)
Sand Dollar
Histology Example 51880 Head 3 CS (5X)
Milk Thistle
Abies Sp Poncée
Sediment Sample from China Beach
Abies Sp
Tree Ring Thin Section Example
Scorpion Dragonfly
Basalt 5X Thin Section Full Waveplate
Casing 1
Photo of 35mm Black and White Negative of a Heart Surgery Photo
Leaf Fossil
Core Memory Board 4 Kilobit
50 Peso Banknote (back)
Day of the Dead Artifact
Casing Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
Basalt 5X Thin Section Brightfield
Placer Gold (large flakes)
Arduino Due 100 Megapixel Macro
Pinus Nigra
Microscopy Example: Horse Eggs
Coffee Bean (Roasted)
Kreysler Composite Surface Example
Mystery Coin - Revealed
Pinned Specimen Example with Label (non-telecentric lens)
Pitcher Plant (cross section)
Elemental Bismuth
Tachinidae (Diptera) Lateral View
Viceroy (Ventral View)
Milling Bit Comparison (used and new)
Feldspar Geologic Sample 1
Roman Coin (Back)
DLP Projector Module Mirrors
Illuminated Manuscript
I-Seeing Calibration Chart
Kreysler Sample
Questionable Money
Sugar Cross Polarized
Tachinidae (Diptera)
Sandstone 5X
GIGAmacro Sign
Penny Section Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
Indian Head Penny (front)
Gorilla Glue
Microscopy Example: Malaria
UN-7 Thin Section
NVCC Slide: Bear Hill Serpentinite in thin section
Butterfly Collection (cropped)
Coffee Bean (Dried, Unroasted)
Rhyolite Thin Section 10x Full Waveplate
Microscope Slide Example 9234
Henry Botkin, Oil Painting
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 7
US 50 Dollar Bill
Cicada Female (Lateral)
Basalt Thin Section 10X Full Waveplate
Dutch Coin (Back)
Napa Leaves
Chip Set Example
Plywood Cross Section
Two Dollar Bill (Front)
opal sample 3
Penny (Depthmap)
Cherry Bark
Ramps Board for Arduino Mega
Epilog Laser Engaving Example
Feldspar Geologic Sample (non polarized)
Aluminum 8020 2020 Cross Cut
Arduino Due 100 Megapixel Macro (Autopano Version)
Monarch (Ventral View)
Abies Alba
Pseudotsuga Menziesii
Maiden Hair Fern
Blue Fish Teeth Example 1
Fossils in Rock
Placer Gold
Versalume Micro Wire
Test Image of a DLP Projector Mirror Array
Kombucha Scoby Infrared Imaging Test
Histology Example 498-8-1-91-8 Hole 14 (1x)
Microscope Slide Histology Example 34356020
Fagus Sylvatica
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
Dare Stone 7
Buffalo Nickel
Insect in Amber - CloseUp
Ginger Tea Darkfield
Blue Morpho Butterfly (Dorsal View)
Test Hand Imaging Non Cross Polarized
Tree Ring Thin Section Example
Tree Ring Thin Section Example
Cicada Shell (Lateral)
Prioneris autothisbe autothisbe
Linda's Emperor (ventral), 1.6 Gigapixel Macro Photograph
Tiny Ant
Congo Beetle
SEM Photo
Kombucha Scoby
Full Box Test Image 02
Blue Fish Teeth Example 2
Insect Embedded in Amber
Settling Plate (Top)
Collection Box Example
Yellow-Horned Wasp Moth
Rosy Folded-wing Footman Moth
Thailand Walking Stick and Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
Eagle Feather
World War II OPA Point Ration Token
Cicada Shell (Anterior)
One Dollar Bill (Tarnished)
Passion Butterfly (Gulf Fritillary)
One Dollar Bill (Front)
Devils Club Root Bark
One Dollar Bill (Back)
Tharsis dubius, CM 4716 (Fossil fish)
Tuberculosis Sample Slide
Natural Grains
9mm casing imaging test
Andesite 5X Thin Section Full Waveplate
Armpit Test Image
Leptolepides sprattiformis, CM 4249 (Fossil fish)
surface sb100garnet
Big Images of Tiny Shells
Pinus Sylvestris
Common Rock Collection
Oil Shale Sample (Lamosite)
Sandstone 10X
Cicada Female (Anterior)
Fagus Sylvatica
Drawer Unit Box Imaging Example
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
Stonerose Fossil
US 20 Dollar Bill
Siggraph 2011 Iris Imaging
Quercus Petraea
Blue Butterfly
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 2
Unit Box Test 2
Chicken Embryo
Tiny Bones
Quercus Petraea
Terabite Proof (four percent)
Rhyolite 5X Thin Section Cross Polarized
Cicada Male (Ventral)
Tharsis Dubius (Fossil fish, Close-up)
Sativa Example 1
Skin Imaging Example Wrist
Medicinal Herbs
Tree Ring Sample
Settling Plate (Bottom)
Indian Head Penny
Bee Brood Frame Day 3
Restoration Polarized
Tree Ring Thin Section Example
1702 Intel EPROM
Snowflake (preserved)
Silicon Wafer Imaging Test with Axial and Polarized Lighting
Basalt 5X Thin Section Cross Polarized
Dare Stone 1
Geology Example 4
Histology Example 51880 Head 3 CS
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 5
Cab Grape
Blue Fish Teeth Overall View
Columbia Gabbro Geologic Thin Section
Casing 2
Tree Ring Sample Specimen
Quercus Petraea
Filaree Self Drilling Seed Pod
Dare Stone 1 backside
Two Dollar Bill (Back)
Thin Geoligical Rock: Oil Bearing
Sativa Example 2
Indica Example
NVCC Slide: Stromatolites in thin section
Andesite 5X Thin Section Cross Polarized
Arduino Mega Board
Basalt 10x Cross Polarized
Core Sample 2
Modern Stone Test 2
Chelyabinsk Meteorite
Core Memory Board 4 Kilobit (High Magnification)
Fast Food Burger (McDonalds)
Spotted Oleander Caterpillar Moth (Dorsal)
Andesite Thin Section 10X Full Waveplate
Geology Example 2
Cicada Male (Lateral)
Dare Stone 36
Tilia Cordata
Bark Beetles and Ambrosia Beetles
Hawthorne Berries
Devils Club
Cherry Gall Azure (Ventral)
Tigers Eye
Silicon Wafer
Canon APS-C Camera Sensor
Cherry Gall Azure (Dorsal)
Histology Example 51880 Head 3 CS (1X)
Owl Butterfly (Ventral View)
Thin Geological Rock: Oil Bearing
Roman Coin (Front)
Castner Marble
Mica Polarized
Dare Stone 7
Sanding Disk Depthmap
Crystal Dendrite
Pitcher Plant Infrared Imaging Test
steel fractures
Bee Brood Frame Timelapse Day 6
Moss Sample (12hrs after harvest)
Seymchan Meteorite
Spotted Oleander Caterpillar Moth (Ventral)
CPU Pins Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
Fagus Sylvatica
Australian Golden Stag Beetle
Leaf Example
Arduino Due
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
Silicon Wafer Imaging Test with Axial Lighting (non-polarized)
Giant Straight-Snouted Weevil
Oak Galls
aluminum fractures
kleptageniidae speorus 1
microfossil slide Nikon 10X
Arduino Low Resolution Example
Coral Tiles
Stencerous Imaging Example
Dare Stone 46
Skin Imaging Example 2
RAM 256 MB Chip (before)
Bay Area Science Fair
Viceroy (Dorsal View)
Carpinus Betulus
Black Rainbow Carbide
Snowflake (preserved) Inverted
US 100 Dollar Bill
Owl Butterfly (Dorsal View)
Pinus Sylvestris
Cicada Male (Anterior)
NVCC Slide: Montoya Farm, in thin section
Sediment Sample from Rodeo Beach
Intel Pentium CPU (before)
Gold Nugget - Visible Light
Fluorite Egg
Gold Nugget - Cross Polarized Light
Similac Formula Recall
Thin Geo Slide 5X
opal sample
opal sample 2
gold flake 5x
Salix Caprea
Semychan Meteorite Imaging Test with Axial Lighting
Cherry Gall Azure (dorsal), 1.67 Gigapixel Macro Photograph
Populus Trichocarpa
Wax Seal (Depth map)
One-Color Snail-Eating Beetle