By: GeneCooper
Image: GIGAmacro
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Uploaded: 25 May 2017
Last Updated: 25 May 2017
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Bismuth is a brittle metal with a white, silver-pink hue, often occurring in its native form, with an iridescent oxide tarnish showing many colors from yellow to blue. The spiral, stair-stepped structure of bismuth crystals is the result of a higher growth rate around the outside edges than on the inside edges. The variations in the thickness of the oxide layer that forms on the surface of the crystal causes different wavelengths of light to interfere upon reflection, thus displaying a rainbow of colors. When burned in oxygen, bismuth burns with a blue flame and its oxide forms yellow fumes.[14] Its toxicity is much lower than that of its neighbors in the periodic table, such as lead, antimony, and polonium. (source Wikipedia)