Public Images
Massanutten sandstone slab with trace fossils (annotations only)
Fossil example 2 in outcrop from Unit F
Cross beds in komatiitic ash deposits
Sample unconformity for testing
Veach Gap Anticline 2
Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, Scotland
Fossil example 3, sample 1, from Unit D
LiDAR map of glaciated terrain in Scandinavia
Tiny dropstone in Rockwell Diamictite
Unknown rock for lab exam
Relative dating example 18
Relative dating example 9
Disconformity between Tensleep Fm and Goose Egg Fm
Devonian Hampshire, Latest Devonian Spechty Kopf, and lower Mississippian Rockwell formations roadcut on Corridor H, West Virginia
Fossil example 1 from Unit C
Structure 10
Geologic map of North America
Structure 16
Geologic map of Pennsylvania
Structure 4
Structure 2
Structure 8
Structure 21
Dismembered, Folded Sandstone ("Ploudin") from Corridor H, WV, Plane Polars
Relative dating outcrop 1
Relative dating example 4
Topographic maps for the glaciers lab
Relative dating example 10
Blue Ridge and Massanutten Mountain from Little Crease Mountain
Mudcracks at Höfn, Iceland
Primary sedimentary structure for quiz
Structure 18
Topographic maps for the topographic maps lab
Fossil example 2 from Unit G
Relative dating example 28
Geologic map of the Lemmon area, North and South Dakota
Geologic map of the Grand Canyon, Arizona
Relative dating example 25
Graded bedding and dessication cracks in Tonoloway Formation limestone
"This Dynamic Planet"
Geologic map of Hawaii
Geological map of New Mexico
Unknown structure for students to identify
Fossil example 1 from Unit B
Highland County, VA Mafic Intrusion
Chesapecten nefrens
Fossil example 1 (two samples) from Unit F
South Fort Valley Antiform
Map for students to interpret
Trilobite, Devonian of Morocco
Spechty Kopf Diamictite, Crossed Polars
Sedimentary deposit for students to identify and intepret
Mahantango Formation showing trace fossils, Fort Valley Road, Virginia
Fossils in the Martinsburg Formation
Banded iron formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Fossil example 1, outcrop 2, from Unit H
Kaap Valley Pluton exposed along Queens River, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2018
Relative dating example 27
Cleavage refraction in Konnarock Formation
Fossil example 1, sample 3, from Unit G
Geologic map of the Sun River Canyon area, Montana
Massanutten Sandstone Bedding Plane Surface - Woodstock Tower, VA
Lab exam unknown
Sample 3
Bedrock geologic map of part of the northern disturbed belt, Lewis and Clark, Teton, Pondera, Glacier, Flathead, Cascade, and Powell Counties, Montana
Crossbedded Fine Sandstone
Structure 9
Devonian Hampshire, Latest Devonian Spechty Kopf, and lower Mississippian Rockwell formations roadcut on Corridor H, West Virginia
Relative dating example 17
Relative dating example 26
Map 2
Massanutten sandstone slab with trace fossils
Channels in the Hampshire Formation
Ostracodes in Tonoloway Formation Limestone
Strained trilobite
Structure 13
Fossil example 2, outcrop 1, from Unit D
Buzzard Rocks
Gastropod-bearing agate ("Turitella agate") of the Green River Formation, Wyoming
Angular Unconformity, west of El Paso, Texas
Tonoloway Formation, folded as part of Patterson Creek Mountain Anticline, Corridor H, West Virginia
Relative dating example 15
Unknown rock for students to identify
Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Blue Hole, Passage Creek, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Harpers Formation, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Sedimentary rock 6
An outcrop for Professor Barth's students to examine and interpret
Relative dating example 24
Relative dating sample 2
Rock sample 2 (Glaciers lab)
Precambrian-Aged Castle Danger Amygdaloidal Basalt, Crossed Polars
Graded bedding and dessication cracks in Tonoloway Formation limestone
Lower Martinsburg Formation outcrop at Funk Road and Route 11, south of Strasburg, Virginia
Relative dating example 28
Graded bed in Martinsburg Formation
Komatiite, Barberton Greenstone Belt
Massanutten Sandstone
Outcrop for students to identify and interpret.
Quiz cobble
Way-up structure for quiz
Structure 14
Geologic map of Williamsburg, VA, and surrounding areas
Weasel Collar Glacier, Glacier National Park, Montana
Igneous rock I.5
Topo Maps for Topo Maps Lab
Structure 28
Structure 27
Structure 12
Unknown outcrop for Lab exam
Beartooth Highway
Latest Devonian Spechty Kopf formation roadcut on Corridor H, West Virginia
Outcrop at the intersection of Fort Valley Road and Ramsey Road, Fort Valley, Virginia
Massanutten sandstone slab with trace fossils
Carbonized fossil crane fly (Diptera, Tipulidae)
Relative dating example 35
Way-up structure unknown for quiz
Torridonian Group, North-West Highlands, Scotland
Stromatolites in Helena (Siyeh) Formation Limstone from Alberta, Canada
Helen Lake Stromatolite 4
Convolute Bedding in Millboro Formation Sandstone
Chancellor Group slate, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada
Outcrop for students to evaluate
Geologic map of the Williamsville, Virginia quadrangle
Structure 19
Relative dating example 40
Fossil beetle
Spechty Kopf Diamictite, Crossed Polars
Buck Reef Chert
Relative dating example 3
Structure 6
Rock observation, description, and interpretation: Sample 3
Relative dating example 31
Martinsburg Formation, Millner Road and Bethel Road, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Structure 26
Precambrian-Aged Castle Danger Amygdaloidal Basalt, Plane Polars
Relative dating example 32
Relative dating example 16
Mystery fossil for students to identify
Veach Gap Anticline 1
Geological contact for students to identify and interpret
S-C fabric in sheared granodiorite
Relative dating example 39
Structure 11
Little A Glacier and Boundary Glacier, near Icefield Centre, Icefields Parkway, Jasper National Park, Alberta
Mineral unknown
Graptolite fossils in the Martinsburg Formation
Sample 4
Striations in Eldon Formation, exposed near Athabasca Glacier.
Microbially-induced sedimentary structures, sandstone, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Normal Fault in Chalk (Detail)
Structure 24
Mystery fossil for students to identify and interpret
Archean rock outcrop 3
Relative dating example 33
Unknown rock for lab practical
Fossil example 1 in sediment sample from Unit E
Tennessee Valley Beach Sediments
Ammonite Showing Ammonitic Sutures
Cross-bedding in Massanutten Sandstone
Unknown for analysis
Archean rock sample 2
Sample unconformity for quiz
Structure 30
Contact between New Market Formation (lower unit) and overlying Lincolnshire Formation (upper unit), near Staunton, Virginia
Outcrop for students to interpret
Fossil Snails in Reynolds Limestone
Knightia, fossil fish from the Eocene
Chesapecten jeffersonius
Anticline in Veach Gap
Sedimentary deposit for students to interpret
Spechty Kopf Diamictite, West Virginia
Anticline in Veach Gap
Trilobite: Elrathia kingi
Bow Falls Tool Marks
Relative dating example 11
Nautiloid in Mahantango Formation
Relative dating example 14
Helderberg limestones, Fort Valley Road, Virginia
SharkBay, Western Australia
Conococheague Formation exposed near Mulberry Run, Virginia
Mystery fossil for students to identify and interpret
Crane fly
Graded bed in Martinsburg Formation
Pyritized plant tissue from the Spechty Kopf Diamictite
Skolithos-bearing block of quartz sandstone (Antietam Formation)
Leesburg Conglomerate
Structure 3
Mystery fossil for students to identify
Fossil example 1, sample 2, from Unit G
Martinsburg Formation, Millner Road (near Deer Rapids Road), Shenandoah County, Virginia
Relative dating example 21
Igneous outcrop I.11
Relative dating example 36
Travertine-Tumbling Run
Accretionary lapilli, Msauli Chert, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Rock observation, description, and interpretation: Sample 1
Carbla Beach, Shark Bay, Western Australia
Fossil example 1 from Unit D
"Baker outcrop"
Unknown sample for lab exam
Dismembered, Folded Sandstone ("Ploudin") from Corridor H, WV, Crossed Polars
Location 1, Glacier National Park, Montana
Massanutten sandstone slab with trace fossils (annotations only)
Outcrop for students to identify and interpret
Location 2, Glacier National Park, Montana
Igneous rock I.6
Fossil example 1 in outcrop from Unit E
Fossil example 2, outcrop 2, from Unit D
"Baker outcrop," upper portion
Zoophycos trace fossils in Mahantango Formation
Structure 22
Mineral unknown "R"
Structure 17
Outcrop for students to evaluate
Mineral in a metamorphic rock
Mahantango Formation
Structure 23
Fluvial and lahar deposits at Cold Springs, California
Rock observation, description, and interpretation: Sample 2
Neoarchean Pillow Basalts (by Ron Schott)
Structure 7
Dismembered, Folded Sandstone ("Ploudin") from Corridor H, WV, Plane Polars
Mudchip rip-up clasts in argillite of varying oxidation states and quartzite of the Grinnell Formation
Mystery location
Mistaken Point
Mahantango Formation Oolite with Intraclast
Relative dating example 29
Blueschist-grade folded metachert+shale
Grudaidh Formation (Durness Group) w/ vogesite sills and faults
Geologic map of Utah
Relative dating example 7
Relative dating example 8
Relative dating example 22
Geologic map of Townsend, Montana
Dewatering structure (?)
Relative dating example 13
Soudan Banded Iron Formation by A. Hochstaedter
Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2018
Topographic maps lab maps
Fossil example 1, outcrop 1, from Unit H
Witvlei Group Stromatolites
Archean rock sample 1
Rock sample 1 (Glaciers lab)
Looking south from Waterton
unknown structure for students to identify
Sample to evaluate: sedimentary or metamorphic?
Barite horizon, Mapepe Formation of the Fig Tree Group
Spechty Kopf Diamictite, Plane Polars
Relative dating example 6
Relative dating example 34
Peyto Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
Igneous rock I.4
Duplex structure east of Swift Dam, Montana
Hampshire Formation
Geologic map of Glacier National Park, Montana (Whipple, 1992)
Geologic map of the Roberts Mountain quadrangle, Montana
Mylonite, North-West Highlands, Scotland
Unknown sample for students to identify and evaluate
Relative dating example 37
Structure 1
Glacier on Mt. Stephen
Mystery fossil for students to identify
Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
Archean rock outcrop 4
Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, Scotland
Primary sedimentary structure for quiz
Structure 20
Relative dating example 19
Conococheague Formation at Mulberry Run, showing stromatolites
Relative dating example 23
Microbially-induced sedimentary structures, sandstone, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Athabasca Glacier
Structure 5
Fossil example 3, outcrop 1, from Unit D
Igneous rock I.8
Rising Wolf Mountain, Two Medicine Valley, Glacier National Park, Montana
Unknown rock sample
Hallett Cove, South Australia: Permian glacial striations
Sedimentary deposit for students to interpret
Sample to evaluate: sedimentary or metamorphic?
Lava pillows
Unknown rock for lab exam
Laminated Spechty Kopf Diamictite
Lab exam unknown
Relative dating example 30
Shell-rich Horizon in Mahantango Formation
Example outcrop
Igneous outcrop I.10
Deformed Lynchburg Group, Riveredge Park, Madison Heights, VA
Microbially induced sedimentary structures, Barberton
Chancellor Group slate, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada
Graded bed in Martinsburg Formation
Structure 29
Stromatolites, Helena Formation, near Crypt Lake, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta
Canyon Diablo meteorite
Test geologic map
Diamictite from Storeelv Formation, Greenland
Topographic maps for the Running Water lab
Turitella gastropod fossils in limestone of the Buda Formation, Cristo Rey, Texas
Rock unknown for lab exam
Igneous rock I.3
Tumbling Run
Helderberg limestone
Trezona Formation Stromatolites
Mystery fossil for students to identify
Deep Creek Valley
Fossil example 2 from Unit A
Beartooth Highway
Sample 1
Sample for students to evaluate
Fossil example 3 from Unit F
Geologic map of White Gate quadrangle, Virginia
Massanutten Formation
Outcrop for students to interpret
Fossil example 1 from Unit A
S2 meteorite impact tsunami deposit, Barberton Greenstone Belt
Sample 5
Spechty Kopf Diamictite, exposed on Corridor H, West Virginia (second berm)
Geologic map of Arkansas
Structure 15
Dropstone in Ghaub Formation, Namibia
Geologic map of Arizona
The Kings Squash (Detail)
Massanutten Sandstone
Relative dating example 12
Warm-up 1
Relative dating example 20
Spechty Kopf Diamictite, Plane Polars
Outcrop for students to evaluate.
S3 spherulite, Fig Tree Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt
Ghaub Formation diamictite with Snowball Earth glacial dropstones
Fossil example 1, sample 1, from Unit G
Lava Lake, Montana
Sulphur Springs quadrangle, Florida topographic map
Looking south from Waterton
Structure 25
Dismembered, Folded Sandstone ("Ploudin") from Corridor H, WV, Crossed Polars
Geologic Map of Leadville, CO and vicinity
Red Hole, Passage Creek, George Washington National Forest, Virginia (#1 of 2)
Relative dating example 5
Trimmers Rock, PA: Bouma sequences
Buzzard Rocks
Test question 22
Mahantango Formation, showing Zoophycos trace fossils
Mahantango Formation, showing carbonate nodules
Mystery contact to interpret