Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
MIGHTYmacro is professional photography focused on extreme macro imaging using the Magnify2 from GIGAmacro.
Public Images
Tiger Beetle (Cicindela formosa)
Panacea Prola
Madagascar Silk
Maple Leaf Canada 150
Precontact Indigenous Pottery 1
Amber 1 Side B
Precontact Indigenous Pottery 2
Air Force Operational Wings RCAF
Skate Blade Oblique Sharpened
Amber 2 Side B Section Detail Chip 3x
Series 450 Blade
Artwork Northern Ontario
CDN 20 Dollar Silver Coin
Skate Blade Sharpened Bottom
MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow and Brush
Skate Blade Unsharp Bottom
WWII Ration Coupon Book - Canada
Series 450 Blade Worn
Amber Group 1
Pepper Back Light
Amber Test 1x
Popcorn Kernel
Pomegranate Seed 1
Precontact Indigenous Biface Artifact
Amber 2 Side A Black Background
Pepper Black and White
Mushroom Gills (lamellae) 5x
Honey Bee (Apis)
Aristobia Freneyi Beetle
Red Maple Leaf Canada 150
Chia Seeds
Amber 1 Edge Detail 5x
Forked Fungus Beetle (Bolitotherus Cornutus)
Dinner Program St. George's 70th Annual April 25, 1905
Amber 1 Side A Backlight 1x
Amber 1 Side A
Porcupine Quills
Popcorn Popped
Amber Test
Poinsettia Stamin 5x
Amber 2 Side B Section Middle 5x
Amber 1 Side B Section 3x
Amber 1 Top Down Backlight 1x
Amber 2 Side A Backlight 1x
Amber 2 Side B Section Middle 3x
Mushroom Underside 1X
skinVacious Skin Roller
Mushroom Gills (lamellae) Side Section
Amber 1 Side B Backlight 1x
Skate Blade Oblique Unsharp
MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow Brush
Poinsettia Stamen 1x
Amber 2 Side B Backlight 1x
Rock Salt - Halite
Amber 2 Side B
Coffee Bean - Kicking Horse Coffee - Grizzly Claw
Series 400 Blade