By: MIGHTYmacro
Image: MIGHTYmacro
nanopod:Hybrid Gallery & Divya Anantharaman - Friends Forever Taxidermy
Copyright, All Rights Reserved
Uploaded: 19 Jul 2017
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2017
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202.1 in X 159.7 in at 300dpi
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The Pancacea Prola is a species of butterfly of the family Nymphalidae. It is found from Costa Rica to southern Brazil, most commonly in the eastern Peruvian Andes according to wikipedia This specimen was imaged at the Toronto Maker Festival 2017 and was kindly supplied by nanopod: Hybrid Studio and Divya Anantharaman. nanopod:Hybrid Studio in Toronto held an entomology workshop in conjunction with the Toronto Maker Festival. nanopod offers courses on metal and glass art as well as entomology and taxidermy workshops. Divya is a professional taxidermist in Brooklyn, New York. For information about Divya and her taxidermy and entomological work check out her website here