By: magic-gigapans
Image: Alan Pitts, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection
Creative Commons Non Commercial ⧉
Uploaded: 8 Apr 2020
Last Updated: 7 Jul 2020
268 megapixels
35,032 x 7,636 pixels
116.8 in X 25.5 in at 300dpi
1 pixels per inch
This outcrop is located along the new portions of West Virginia Route 55 west of the town of Moorefield. This outcrop is the on the north side of rt 55 and matches a gigapan set taken from the opposite side of highway:
This example of tectonic folding is seen in Silurian/Devonian limestones siltstones and shales (likely) from the Tonoloway Formation. Geologists interpret this sequence of rocks as evidence of a period of tectonic peace during the middle of the paleozoic.
View of camera is looking roughly south. Deformation of these passive margin sediments occured long after deposition in the Alleghenian Orogeny when Africa crashed into the North American Plate to form Pangea
Image made as part of the Mid Atlantic Geo-Imagery Collection (MAGIC)