By: magic-gigapans
Image: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection
Creative Commons Non Commercial ⧉
Uploaded: 8 May 2020
Last Updated: 3 Jun 2020
428 megapixels
33,268 x 12,856 pixels
110.9 in X 42.9 in at 300dpi
43 pixels per inch
This outcrop is found on South Page Valley Road, near the intersection with Bixlers Ferry Road, west of the South Fork of the Shenandoah River and east of Massanutten Mountain. It shows lower Martinsburg Formation limy shale (late Ordovician depositional age) folded and cleaved during Alleghanian mountain-building (late Paleozoic). Cleavage fans out around the bedding at the top of the anticline. It’s slightly asymmetric, verging towards the west (perspective is roughly to the north, along the fold axis).