By: magic-gigapans
Image: Robin Rohrback, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection
Creative Commons Non Commercial ⧉
Uploaded: 5 May 2020
Last Updated: 8 Jun 2020
1.91 gigapixels
49,412 x 38,752 pixels
164.7 in X 129.2 in at 300dpi
Tonoloway Limestone exposed in the northeast wall of the “Old Derrick” Quarry, along Rt. 50, near Romney, WV.
The quarry’s late Silurian-aged peritidal carbonates were laid down in the Tippecanoe sea. Its strata primarily record a tidal flat environment, with conspicuous mudcracks, laminites, stromatolites, and salt hoppers within the micritic sediment.
Interspersed with these features are coarse layers of lagoonal bioclastics, such as ostracodes and small brachiopods, flung across the flats by passing storms.oss the flats by passing storms.
A pretty little tempestite collected here: