By: magic-gigapans
Image: Paul Karabinos
Copyright, All Rights Reserved
Uploaded: 9 Jul 2020
Last Updated: 9 Jul 2020
1.77 gigapixels
65,976 x 26,756 pixels
219.9 in X 89.2 in at 300dpi
55 pixels per inch
Detail of eastern fold in the large road cut exposing folded bedding of the Ordovician Bascom Formation. Road cut exposed on the south side of Rt 279 (Bennington Bypass).
Visible part of outcrop is 12 m high.
Bascom Formation - Interbedded dolomite, limestone or marble, calcareous sandstone, quartzite and limestone breccia; irregular dolomitic layers, thin sandy laminae, and slaty or phyllitic partings characterize limestone and marble of lower, middle, and upper parts of the Bascom, respectively.
Lat- 42 degrees 53’ 55" N
Long- 73 degrees 16’ 3" W