Gog Formation quartzite, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 44400 x 20648 pixelsCambrian quartzite showing primary sedimentary structures.
Bedding is oriented 111°/15° (right-hand rule). | Bow Falls Tool MarksMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Aaron Barth, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 25032 x 26664 pixelsOutcrop near Bow Falls in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada exhibiting tool marks on the bottom of a sandy bed, and folds in the shale beds. Part of the Triassic-aged Spray River Group. | Helen Lake Stromatolites 3May 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Aaron Barth, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 36664 x 14732 pixelsCambrian-aged stromatolites outcropping above Helen Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada | Cretaceous strata at Swift DamApr 29, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 31991 x 24418 pixelsBelow the thrust, contorted shale and sandstone | The French Thrust, Sun River Canyon, MontanaApr 29, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 68736 x 38240 pixelsA Sevier-style thrust fault exposed west of Augusta, Montana, the French Thrust has emplaced Mississippian carbonates on top of Cretaceous shales. On the left (east), there is also some till, outwash, and colluvium. View is approximately to the south. | Swift Dam anticline, looking westApr 29, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 54336 x 26176 pixelsYou're looking down the nose of this overturned anticline of Mississippian carbonate. Search for fossil coral heads and extensional fractures on the outside edge of this giant Sevier-aged thrust.
For a (partial) view from the side, you can check out this gigapan:
For a blog post talking about the geology here, see:
http://blogs.agu.org/mountainbeltway/2011/07/25/swift-dam/ | Chief Mountain, MontanaApr 29, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 36672 x 21384 pixelsThe classic North American example of a klippe: Mesoproeterozoic Belt rocks (Altyn, Appekunny) atop Cretaceous strata deposited in the Western Interior Seaway (Blackleaf Fm?) | Mudchip rip-up clasts in argillite of varying oxidation states and quartzite of the Grinnell FormationApr 3, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 37428 x 23316 pixelsGlacial cobble collected outside of Glacier National Park, Montana (on Looking Glass Highway), cut and polished.
Obverse side of sample can be explored here:
https://viewer.gigamacro.com/view/IoSh2dJ3hgKep1lI | Mist Mountain Formation (Kootenay Group), Canmore, AlbertaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 54916 x 27432 pixelsThese siltstones, shales, sandstones, and coals were deformed during Canadian Rockies mountain building. | Peyto Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 82236 x 23676 pixelsPeyto Lake is a lovely color, is being filled by a lovely delta, and has a view of the glacier that formed it, way upstream (left). | Glacial cobbleApr 29, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Robin Rohrback, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 23340 x 18736 pixelsObverse:
https://viewer.gigamacro.com/view/211raIgfWr68tB92 | Stromatolites, Helena Formation, near Crypt Lake, Waterton Lakes National Park, AlbertaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 18105 x 15194 pixelsSlab of limestone showing stromatolites. | Alluvium and soil profilesMay 7, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 44200 x 21168 pixelsThe stream in the foreground deposited these coarse, well-rounded alluvial layers. The trees and wildflowers helped knit together the soil horizons. How many times have the two processes exchanged dominance? | Mudchip conglomerate w/ varying oxidation statesApr 3, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 41724 x 25092 pixelsBelt Supergroup, northwestern Montana.
Obverse side of sample can be explored here:
https://viewer.gigamacro.com/view/FeULdX8tfISBdAiZ | Alluvial gravel, Bow River, BanffMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 30432 x 22344 pixelsGravel deposited on the shore of the Bow River where a feeder stream comes in downstream of Bow River Falls. | Chancellor Formation slate, near Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaMay 6, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 30744 x 36296 pixelsCambrian-aged deep basin mudrock, cleaved to slate during Canadian Rockies mountain building (Laramide Orogeny, late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic). | Dirty terminus of the Athabasca GlacierMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 91036 x 17200 pixelsSediment-choked and sediment cloaked, this isn't lateral moraine, but the edge of the Athabasca Glacier. | Chancellor Group slate, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaMay 7, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 27336 x 29992 pixelsMudrocks with fine laminations from basinward of the Cathedral Escarpment, cleaved and folded during Canadian Rockies mountain-building.
The orientation of bedding varies, but here's a representative measurement: 095°/30° (right-hand rule). Cleavage is more consistent, at 109°/76°. | Bedding / cleavage relationships in Chancellor Group slates, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 32028 x 25816 pixelsNice structure! these are Cambrian-aged mud and sand deposits of the Chancellor Group, folded and cleaved during the compression that accompanied Canadian Rockies mountain-building.
Bedding is oriented 095°/42° (right-hand rule).
Cleavage is oriented 104°/70° (right-hand rule). | Evan Thomas Creek, showing flood deposits and erosionMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 53804 x 18416 pixelsEvan Thomas Creek got hammered during the floods of 2013. | Helen Lake stromatolites and Cirque Peak, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.May 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 40100 x 21484 pixelsWhat a story to be seen here: Cambrian sedimentation (stromatolites in foreground, plus continental redbeds up on the peak), deformation during the orogeny that built the Canadian Rockies, and finally glaciation and deglaciation.
Bedding in the stromatolite rich layer is oriented 295°/14° (right-hand rule). | Swift Dam, MontanaApr 29, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 61260 x 28028 pixelsThe Swift Dam area northwest of Depuyer, Montana, showcases Sever-style mountain building of the Cordilleran fold-and-thrust belt. Here, Mississippian carbonates have been arched eastward along asymmetric anticlines, and thrust over Cretaceous black shales originally deposited in the Western Interior Seaway. Notice how the limestone strata are horizontal on the left, and then begin to nose over (get steeper) to the right. To get a view of the "nose" of the fold, see this gigapan:
https://viewer.gigamacro.com/view/jj1vfpBQiP4WA7mZ | Cleavage refraction in Chancellor slate, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 26896 x 15832 pixelsCambrian-aged muds and fine sands were lithified and then squeezed during the orogeny that built the Canadian Rockies. Here, the cleavage can be seen refracting across a more quartz-rich, clay-poor layer.
Bedding is oriented 275°/42° (right-hand rule).
Cleavage is oriented 101°/74° (right-hand rule). | Debris flow east of Field, British Columbia, CanadaMay 20, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 23380 x 19880 pixelsDebris flow that came down the mountain and through the trees to the valley floor. | Miette Group graded beddingMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Aaron Barth, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 13677 x 16728 pixelsGraded bedding found in the Miette Group within Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada | Rockslide in Gog Formation quartzite, trail to Helen Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 26112 x 14520 pixelsA lovely illustration of mass wasting, with old Gog talus black/green with lichen, and fresh Gog a pinkish white. Also, note the prominent pro-talus rampart! | South lateral moraine, Athabasca Glacier (inside view)May 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 44792 x 14744 pixelsNote the debris flow at right. | Pressure solution in Eldon Formation limestone exposed on roche moutonee east of Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, AlbertaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 27760 x 16228 pixelsThe orange calcite vein serves as a strain marker. | Stutfield Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 58760 x 24456 pixelsA nice looking glacier, coupled with a nice-looking outwash plain. | Helen Lake stromatolites, Banff National Park, Alberta, CanadaMay 11, 2020 by magic-gigapansImage: Callan Bentley, Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image CollectionSubject: Subject ID: 41540 x 20940 pixelsCambrian-aged stromatolites exposed east of Helen Lake and south of Cirque Peak.
Bedding is oriented 295°/14° (right-hand rule). |